indian laburnum grows about 10 to 12 metres high. The unipinnately compound leaves are composed of large leaflets and the flowers borne in large clusters are bright yellow in colour. The fruit is a cylindrical (1 to 1.5 feet long) pod with seeds covered with a pulp that is somewhat sweetish. The tree is quite common in tropical Asia.
Medicinal Use of Indian Laburnum:
- Rheumatism and paralysis.
- Eczema, ringworms, and swellings.
- A good purgative.
How to Use the Indian Laburnum:
- The extracted juice of the leaves applied externally over the affected parts will relieve rheumatic pain and facial paralysis.
- The same juice is also used for eczema, ringworm, and swellings.
- The pulp of the fruit is a pleasant and safe purgative. It is also good for nephritis or inflammation of the kidneys.
- The decoction of the root helps in reducing fever and works as a strong purgative.
Parts used:
The leaves, root, and pulp of fruits.
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