Grape fruit is a member of the Citrus family, which grows up to 8 metres high. The fruit is large, juicy, and rich in Vitamin C and calcium. The flowers are white and aromatic. The fruit which are two and three times larger than sw
eet lime are green initially and turn yellow when they are matured and ready for use.

Medicinal Use of Grapefruit:

  • Used for painful swellings, ulcers, rheumatism, certain nervous disorders and convulsive coughs.
  • Effective for diabetes.
  • Relieves constipation and inflamed nerves. Used also for scurvy.
  • Helps in indigestion, flatulent pains, vomiting, cholera, and morbid cancer.
  • Good for heart disease and coughs.
  • Relieves back pains.

How to Use the Grapefruit:

  • The decoction of the leaves and flowers can be used internally for painful swellings, ulcers, rheumatism, nervous disorders and convulsive coughs.
  • Pure juice of the fruit is recommended for diabetes-use ½ litre of grapefruit juice a day. This juice is also used for constipation, inflamed nerves, scurvy and against excessive albumin in the diet.
  • The peel of the fruit is good for indigestion, flatulent pains, vomiting, cholera and morbid cancer.
  • The dried peel is excellent for heart disease, indigestion and coughs.
  • The crushed seeds are used for back pains, a wash for hernia, and it can be applied over painful bladder, inflamed penis or vagina.

Parts used:

The leaves, fruit and seeds.


